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The history of Valentine's Day

February 14th is known worldwide as the day of love, friendship, hearts, and kisses. Although it is known worldwide as such, the origins are pretty dark and bloody. Its origins date back to the Roman Empire around 211 AD. In Roman times, February 14th was the day of the Roman holiday of Lupercalia. Lupercal was the name given to a spring in Rome where priests would herd goats. Th...

The origins of Trndez

 Armenians are well known for their love of love, especially on Valentine's Day. Traditionally, Armenians would jump over a fire to express their love of someone. Interestingly, this custom has its roots in pagan tradition. According to legend, when Ares and Aphrodite were separated after being turned into horses by Zeus, the goddess of war fled to the Armenian highlands to b...

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First time buyer.

Buying a house will be one of the most significant commitments you will ever make.  Here are some tips if you are thinking of taking the plunge. 1- Do your research. Before making any decisions, determine the types of houses available in the area you want to live in and which ones match your budget. 2- Get pre-approved for a loan. Before you go out and buy a house, ensure you have...

How is your driving?

Driving can be a thrilling activity, but it comes with a price. Thousands of people die yearly in car accidents, and many suffer serious injuries. To keep yourself and those around you safe, it is essential to practice safe driving behaviors. The number one reason why people get into accidents is driving while intoxicated and the second is distracting driving. Yesterday I experienced a hit-and-...

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For The Love Of A Dog!

Dogs have been known to provide love and companionship to families for centuries, and owning a pet is often seen as a sign of joy and a happy home. Dogs, in particular, are known to bring an extra level of delight and joy to a household, with the benefits offered to both their owners and to the surrounding community. As companions, dogs increase happiness and satisfaction in their owner...

Are We Still In A Drought?

Rain is always a welcomed sight for Los Angeles residents. After years of drought, a good downpour is a blessing. Heavy rains have been seen in the L.A. area in the past few months. At the start of 2021, an inch of rain or more in L.A. had fallen in only three of the previous 18 months. But then January and February brought loads of rainfall-with a new record broken in February when 9...

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Why Now is Still the Best Time to Buy Real Estate in Los Angeles, Despite High Rates

Introduction: The Los Angeles real estate market, has always been highly sought after, and while it's true that current interest rates may be higher than in previous years, now is still an excellent time to invest in property. In this blog post, we will discuss why purchasing real estate in Los Angeles remains a smart decision, despite higher interest rates. Strong Demand and ...

Exploring Exciting Opportunities for Real Estate Buyers in 2023 Los Angeles, Despite Rising Rates

Introduction: The real estate market is a dynamic landscape continually evolving with economic trends and market forces. In 2023, Los Angeles, the vibrant and bustling city on the West Coast, presents unique opportunities for buyers, even amidst rising interest rates. While rising rates can initially seem discouraging, they also create new possibilities for astute buyers looking to make their m...