• calendar_month May 3, 2024
  • folder Health


In a world where alcohol often serves as a social lubricant, choosing sobriety can feel like swimming against the tide. However, for individuals like myself who have been diagnosed with vasovagal syncope, the decision to abstain from alcohol is not just about swimming against the tide but about prioritizing health and living intentionally.

Understanding Vasovagal Syncope: Vasovagal syncope is characterized by a sudden heart rate and blood pressure drop, leading to fainting episodes. While the exact cause of vasovagal syncope can vary from person to person, triggers often include stress, dehydration, prolonged standing, and certain medications. For many, alcohol consumption can also act as a trigger, exacerbating symptoms and increasing the likelihood of fainting spells.

Personal Revelation: When I received my diagnosis of vasovagal syncope, it served as a wake-up call, prompting me to reevaluate my relationship with alcohol. While I had always enjoyed the occasional drink in social settings, I couldn't ignore the potential risks it posed to my health. The thought of experiencing a fainting episode, especially in public or while driving, was enough to make me reconsider my habits.

Living with Intent: Choosing sobriety wasn't just about avoiding alcohol; it was about embracing a lifestyle of intentionality and mindfulness. By removing alcohol from my life, I gained a newfound sense of clarity and presence in social situations. No longer was I preoccupied with how much I had consumed or worried about the effects it might have on my body. Instead, I can fully engage with friends and loved ones, enjoying their company without lingering concerns.

Prioritizing Health: More than anything, my decision to give up alcohol was rooted in a deep commitment to prioritizing my health. Vasovagal syncope is a condition that requires careful management and attention to triggers, and I refused to let alcohol jeopardize my well-being. By abstaining from alcohol, I am taking proactive steps to support my body and minimize the risk of triggering fainting episodes.

 While the decision to give up alcohol may not be easy, especially in a society where it is so deeply ingrained in social norms, for individuals like myself with vasovagal syncope, it is a necessary one. By choosing sobriety, I am reclaiming control over my health and living a life guided by intention and mindfulness. In doing so, I can fully embrace each moment, surrounded by the presence of loved ones, without the need for alcohol to enhance the experience.


Rosa Peña

Rosa Peña

JohnHart Real Estate

DRE - 01358662
Direct - 818.822.7538, Office - 818.246.1099

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